Eliana is another month older. Today I was marveling at how much she's learning. I love seeing her do something new every week, if not every day. Her walking still seems wobbly and she has had a cuts and bruises this month, including chipping her front tooth! It's a good thing they'll get replaced in a few years:)
Her daddy has been diligent at teaching her body part names while he baths her and she can point to her eyes, ears, hair, nose, hands, toes, shoulders and belly. She has started making kissing noises and loves to kiss us, some of her toys, and occasionally lucky friends. More recently she has enjoyed carrying around little cups or bowls and putting trinkets in and out of them (meaning this entertains her for 1/2 an hour or more). This obsession with putting things inside containers means she is finally helping me pack up her toys!

Not only growing in delight and joy to us, she is also steadily growing physically. Here are the stats from her 15 month check up (where she got her last immunisations to my great relief!):
Weight - 22lb 15oz/10 404 g (50%)
Height - 31.75"/80.64 cm (75-90%)
HC - 18"/45.72 cm (25-50%)
Another fact that becomes more and more apparent is that we gave birth to a little sinner! It turns out she is just as defiant and sinful as Nate and I are. She didn't have to be taught how to throw a tantrum - that just comes naturally :) I pray that she will know her sin and her need for a Saviour from a young age and that she will seek Jesus to save her!
"Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20