Weight - 24lb/10.8kg (50%)
Height - 33"/83.82cm (75-90%)
Head Circ - 18.25"/46.35cm (50%)
This month Eliana has started trying more words. None are articulated too well but she has a label for things that are of most interest to her. She has started saying "ana" (AHna) for her own name. In the last couple of months I have been more aware that airplanes and helicopters seem to fly over our neighbourhood every 5 minutes. Eliana points to every one she hears!
On Tuesday Nate, Eliana and I took a trip to the zoo. It's the first time Eliana has been since she was about 7 months. She LOVED it! Whenever the animals moved she cracked up. She especially loved roaring at the lions and the other big cats.
- Sleep - She usually naps at least 2 hours and will sometimes sleep for 3. She sleeps about 12-13 hours at night (what a blessing!).
- Food - her favourites are porridge, vegemite toast, cheese, crackers, rice and beans, red meat, spaghetti bolognaise, rice noodles, a certain kefir drink, and she still loves any fruit. I put veggies in everything I cook for dinner. Her least favourite food is potatoes, interestingly.
- Play - She is great at playing on her own and loves puzzles and (of course) books. She has started pretend playing, like pretending to feed her baby. We have absolutely loved the warmer weather that has come just in the last few days. (Oh, how I was longing for it as we fly to an Aussie winter in two weeks!) I have noticed a huge difference in Eliana's behaviour since we have been able to go outside for long periods. She seems to enjoy my company a lot more :)
Here are more photos of her last 6 months: