It has been 4 months since I've given a detailed update on Eliana. She has grown much! It's taken me a while to update because she had a sick season, having bad colds, coughs and the horrible hand, foot and mouth disease. Eliana is like me when she's sick. Every little thing is the end of the world and worth throwing a tantrum over! Needless to say, blogging was the last thing on my mind. But now our heads are out of the water, where do I begin?
Just after we potty trained Eliana we moved her to a big bed in order to free up the cot (crib) for Lilah. At first, Eliana thought that nap time suddenly turned into party time, but now, 4 months later, she is sleeping well and mostly stay on her bed (although, today I've had to stop her from playing with the light switch and caught her with all of her bows in her bed, so we take each day as it comes :).

Eliana's talking is probably the biggest development. My heart melts every day as she is communicating more and more. She has started expressing desires and wants, like "I want apple." She copies more of our sayings, like "Oh my goodness!" and sometimes gives a commentary on what she's doing, like "I put the box by the door". She's also asking questions, like "why you do that?" She's attempting to boss us around too, like "Mama, go get that!"
The most endearing thing about her speech to everyone over here is that she speaks with an Australian accent. Our friends often ask her to say things like "water" (pronounced w-awe-tah). She even pronounces her 't's, Uncle Baz... I've been working on it :)

Over the last four months Eliana has started singing more and more, which brings me sheer joy. Singing nursery rhymes with us and dancing to them is one of her favourite past times. Sometimes she'll go and get her stool from the bathroom, bring it into the hallway, stand on it and sway as we sing songs! Where do they come up with these things?

She is still a sweet big sister, although for the first time today I saw her express jealousy over a toy. She was in her high chair eating lunch and saw me give Lilah a ribbon she'd been playing with. She looked horrified and said, "No, Lilah! Don't touch! That's mine!" Looks like it's time to teach the concept of sharing!