Our son, what a guy! He is destroyer, cuddler and kisserer, sneaky, mischievous, cranky at 4pm, on top of the world at 6pm (after bath, dinner and ready for bed), mover and shaker! He started taking steps at twelve months. He's thirteen months now, still not walking totally, but trying his hardest! He can almost cross the room now without falling over.
Ambrose's first piece of birthday cake. He thought it was worthy of laughter! |
Favourite past time: pushing chairs across the floor, eating bugs or dirt, attempting to walk, baths
Favourite food: cherry tomatoes
Sleeping: two naps a day. Night sleep 6:30pm to 6:30am
Signing: more, please, up, hungry, milk, all done, no thank you, points at everything
Words: Dadda, Mama, Amen, Lilah, Thank you (ka ka), no no, that.
Favourite books: board books
Favourite songs: "Open, Shut Them" "If you're happy and you know it"
Favourite games: Peek a Boo, Blowing raspberries on daddy's cheek, blowing kisses, giving high fives, pointing at everything
I think the whole village knows his name. I will probably be known as "mother of Ambrose" for the duration of our time here :)