Saturday, April 17, 2010

Teething Time

We've been feeling some sharp toothy pegs coming up from Eliana's bottom gum for a few weeks and we can finally see them popping up. They're not all the way up yet but they're getting there slowly. Maybe a little too slowly... yesterday and today she's been having temps ranging between 37.4 C/99.5 F and 38.8 C/102 F. Is that the teething that's causing that? I'm such a wreck when Eliana has a temperature!

Below are some photos of Eliana from last week. Enjoy the gummy smiles... they won't last much longer!:

1 comment:

  1. Naomi never had a fever, with teething, but I've read teething might cause a low grade fever. A temp of 101 or 102 probably isn't teething though. If she's not feeling better and still running a temp you might want to get her checked out. Hope she's doing better! I love seeing all the pictures.
