Saturday, December 25, 2010
Bundle of Joy
Friday, December 17, 2010
Winter and walking
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
14 months
Saturday, October 16, 2010
1 year check up
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Eliana's Party
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Eliana
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It seems it's better taking videos these days, so you could see my girl on the go, but I'm unable to upload any of them. After my videos have uploaded it says 'error' and won't play them. Anyone else having this trouble? Any advice on how to rectify the problem? Hopefully I can figure it out soon because I have so many videos of Eliana that I know her Grandmas would love to see!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
11 Months
- she started clapping at the start of Aug
- she learned how to sign "more please" in the high chair (which is really the same as her clapping - she now uses that same sign any time she wants us to give her something or pick her up - it's so much nicer than whining!)
- she is eating many finger foods much better
- she is finally waving 'hello' and 'goodbye'
Each milestone is so exciting to us, but we are in no rush. Every day is so precious and we love watching her grow bit by bit. She has a sweet, bubbly personality. She loves to explore yet still loves long cuddles with her mamma. She is clingy in strange environments. She's great with familiar women but if a man enters the room she'll crawl to me as fast as her little legs and arms go and grab on tight to my neck! She loves playing with other children, and funnily enough, is always tackling them. At a sewing class last month, a lady observed Eliana playing with another child and laughed and said "The dainty one is the rough one!" I thought that was a good portrayal of Eliana.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Ten Months
Teeth: Her two top teeth are showing more but are not all the way down yet. My, are they prominent!
Eating: Eliana has started feeding herself some foods. Blueberries have been great for practicing this skill. Banana is no good - she just squishes it between her hands!
Drinking: She has got the hang of her sippy cup now (thankfully because it is sooo hot here!). She needs us to hold it up for her to get water out but she guzzles water freely.
Movement: Still the same. I've noticed that she slouches when she sits, especially from her lower back. I thought babies were meant to have great posture? Any suggestions or tips from anyone on how to correct this?
Talking: I mentioned that at 9 months she may have called me mamma. It turns out it was just a coincidence because she's still not naming anything specifically. She loves to babble and squeal though, and calls to the eagles frequently :)
She is a true delight to us and we thank the Lord for such a joyful, bubbly girl.
Monday, July 26, 2010
To the big tub...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Nine Months
- Favourite foods: avocado, any fruit, egg yolk, chicken and peas, hommus
- Least favourite food: beef
- Favourite Activities: tackling mum, bath time, climbing on our bed, playing with other children, chewing on our lip balm, reading the animal sound book.
- Least favourite activities: nigh-night time, immunisations, losing the lip balm or finishing the animal sound book!
- Personal quirks: Eliana sounds like an eagle when she's excited. She still loves banging on the piano. She scrunches up her nose at Daddy whenever he puts her in the hot car. She lights up whenever Daddy gets home from work. Eliana gives amazing hugs. She likes to cuddle for a bit after nap time. Her smiles still melt hearts. She seems a very social baby. She takes a while to warm up to strangers, but once she's warmed up, she loves them!
- Movement: Eliana is a speedy crawler. She pulls up on things and scoots along. She will grab at anything within her reach, especially if it's unfamiliar. She is just learning how to grab finger foods with her pincer grip. She doesn't put food in her mouth yet, but she'll put anything else in there! She prefers drinking water out of a cup if we hold it, rather than using the sippy lid.
- Feeding and sleeping: She still prefers 3 naps during the day but she's slowly adjusting down to 2 naps. She sleeps great at night. I nurse her 5 times a day. I now wake her up for a feed at 10pm to try and help my milk supply. She eats solids 3 or 4 times a day.
- Teeth: She has her 2 middle bottom tooth and the other day, daddy discovered that her 2 top teeth are cutting through.
- Sounds: Along with her eagle call, she repeats the sounds babba, dadda, mamma. I think that she may have even said mama to me today - she was in someone else's arms, looked at me and said "mama" ... but it could have been a coincidence :).
Friday, June 25, 2010
Pulling Up
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Day Difference
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Water Baby
Monday, June 21, 2010
Expectations vs. Realities
Monday, June 7, 2010
Eight Months
Friday, May 21, 2010
Crawling!... kind of...(:
Ok, so she's not skedaddling across the room like Speedy Gonzalas, but what first time mamma wouldn't call this crawling?
(If you're understandably not keen on watching a 5 minute video of Eliana - skip forward to 3 minutes 20 seconds (: )
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A birth story
Tuesday, September 29th, 2009
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Baby Sitting
Monday, May 3, 2010
Toothy Pegs
Eliana is doing much better at sitting up now. She gets on her hands and knees all the time but hasn't figured out the forwards part. She can almost go from hands and knees to sitting up but one leg gets stuck behind. It's fun watching her trying to figure out how to get out of stuck positions or new ways to move.